People talk about the sound of raindrops on the roof as a soothing, wonderful sound. Standing on my back porch, drinking a cup of coffee I discovered something better…
Winter’s cold blue fingers have laid hold on my part of the world recently. They haven’t yet gotten a good grip but Winter is certainly winning her arm-wrestle with Autumn. I’m not a fan of Winter. The cold creeps into my bones and makes me a little bit miserable. But here on my porch I’m noticing that when the wintery wind blows and a gentle rain falls it makes a wonderful noise. The dry, dead, brown leaves, recently fallen from their trees rustle against each other and the rain taps them a thousand times every second. It’s one of those noises that you can only hear if it happens to be early winter and a gentle rain is falling near your back porch. It’s a beautiful thing that could be easily overlooked if you weren’t paying attention or if perhaps you were more focused on the coldness of the cold.
In the past few weeks I’ve been somehow gifted with the awareness that life is ok. A while ago I started reading the book, “The Secret” just to see what all of the stink was about. I’ll be honest and say that I don’t buy into everything the book says. My reading of it though coincided with my realization that I had been rather “down in the dumps” for a long time. I wasn’t happy and I was tired of not being happy.
After a lot of reading and reflection this idea planted itself in my head and it’s been growing ever since. It’s not original at all. In fact it’s something I’ve been told my whole life. It’s simply the idea that it’s better to be positive than negative. It’s better to search for the treasure in every situation. Opportunity knocks when you’re looking for it.
If you work hard and keep your head up and are looking for good things then you’re more likely to find them than if you allow your default setting to be negative.
So I bought a new guitar for Christmas and promptly put it to work on writing some new songs. This one is called “Life Is Beautiful”. It’s a demo. It’s rough around the edges. But I like it and I hope you do too. Go here to listen www.myspace.com/timpeppersideb
I like it Tm. Mom said it had a catchy tune. She listened on my computer cause our line is down and she can't connect. Enjoyed the blog also.