You find life in the paper-cuts that happen while you’re filing all your ‘important’ information. You find it happening to you when your eyes are on the horizon. Life is right now. It’s whatever situation you find yourself in. It’s current. It’s relevant. It’s contemporary. Life is not what you will do or become. It’s not your job or your money or your relationships. It’s what you decide to do with everything you have or don’t have right this very second.
As for me…I’m getting happy. I’ve been depressed. I’ve been let down. I’ve been disappointed. I’ve looked for life in the days and years ahead of me. I don’t know how it happened but somehow I realized that all I have is right now. The past is six feet under. The future is anyone’s guess. If this moment were my last I would want people to remember me as a happy person who was a joy to know. So I’m getting happy.
My mother, who is a wonderful person, used to tell me that I could “get glad in the same pants I got mad in”. I used to get madder in my same pants every time she said it. But she was and is right. Sure, life isn’t perfect. I’m not everything I want to be. I don’t have everything I want. There are circumstances I can’t control. But, no matter what is going on in and around my life, I can choose to see the joy and the beauty that is happening everywhere.
If you see me on the street some day and notice that I’m a little down. Remind me of these words that I’m writing by telling me to get glad in the same pants I got mad in.
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